Download 3D model and run with 5xMonkey Grasshopper file.
For 5xMonkey 101 please check 5xMonkey page
Download Rhino and Grasshopper File. More basic info on how to use 5xMonkey can be found here.
Work Coordinates System Setup:
Machine: Home the machine, jog the machine to the stock top left corner -> set X, Y, Z to zero (this can be done after file setup)
X, Y, Z directions and XYZ coordinates zero value should match in both machine’ space and digital space.
Open Rhinoceros file
Open grasshopper (by typing in Rhino command bar “grasshopper”).
There are three pre-sets: First path, Second Path and Lenses grooves.
Connect first Geometry tab to path layer and second Geometry to guide layer.
Make sure to measure the tool and change the input in the tool length tab.
The First path tool length differs from Second path’ tool length by the value of 3 (3mm-half of 6mm tool – as we use metric units, to switch to imperial units go to Rhino – Properties – Units – Change from Millimetres to Inches)
Run through each script with a simulation tab
Copy generated g-code from every pre-set into a text file
The speed of the code can be changed by changing F-value, in this instance, the speed is set to F3000 (3m/min)
Save each code as a .txt file, run it in Mach3.